I’ve gotten the decals on the AMX. I had to take a break from it for a few weeks to move some other projects along, so it was good to get back to this very enjoyable project.
One thing I learned- jets have stencils. This kit doesn’t have a lot, really, but it’s far more than I normally put on a model.
The decals were OK… the roundels weren’t great, and the quality overall was so-so. They did settle down nicely though, and should look OK when the project is completed. I do think the markings on the tail look great- very unusual.
On this build, I tried some new weathering techniques that were recommended for jets. My inexperience in applying them shows in a few places. The more I look at it, the less I like it, so a few areas will be re-sprayed slightly to tone it down. Otherwise, though, I’m quite happy with the results so far, and I’m really enjoying this kit!
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