Every now and then I run in to a kit that really stands apart. It might be how well it fits, or that the subject is really interesting or unusual, or perhaps the kit has a nice level of detail. And sometimes a kit stands out just because it is fun.
Hobbyboss’ 1/48 Hawk Mk. 200 hits it on every one of those.
I built this as a “quick weekend build”, starting early Friday morning, and finishing Monday evening. To be honest, now that I’m done with it, I wish I’d picked another kit to do a quick build. This little kit, unassuming as it is, should have been savored.
I’d never even known there was a single seat Hawk produced, so as soon as I saw Hobbyboss had released it, I decided I wanted to build it. The cost is not bad- around $35. It has a really nice cockpit, some interesting stores- Sidewinders, bombs, rockets, and drop tanks, and three very diverse and interesting markings schemes. The fit of the kit is fantastic. Surface detail is very good, the cockpit is very busy and appropriate for the scale, and it even includes a decent set of photoetch belts for the very nicely reproduced ejection seat. Purists won’t like the fact that no engine face is provided, but quite honestly, if you’re stuffing your face up close enough to those tiny intakes to take a look, you are probably in the .03% of people who would do so.
But for the other 99.97%- I highly recommend this kit. It’s just fun. No worries, no fuss. Just build it and paint it.

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