If you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.

vlog 25-06: Ramblin’ Time – Answering questions, doing some assembly

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If you’re not familiar with my work, which is an almost laughable statement given my low traffic numbers, you may not be accustomed to my “rambles”. Sometimes I think of it as “Zeppelin time”, because I, you know… “Ramble On”.

I generally will be doing some assembly work, or test fitting, or basically mundane stuff that doesn’t require much commentary. And because I’m almost always looking for ways to create a video to fill in the schedule, quite often I just turn the camera on and let it go.

And then I just start talking.

Now, in this case, I actually had a few notes. I’d been asked a few questions that I thought might be interesting to answer. Whether it is really the case that they’re interesting I’ll leave up to you. But I found if I tell myself that it helps me sleep better.

So here’s a ramble. Its not as deep as a Deep Thought, if those could be considered “deep”. (Or even thoughts… šŸ¤”šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø) It’s what happens when an old man discovers he has free time and a phone camera hooked up to a mic.

You’d think I could find something more productive to do, right?

Like build models. Hmmm…. there’s an idea….

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